1. It is the product of Q-point current and voltage of a transistor with no signal input
Power dissipation
2. The ____________ of an amplifier is the ratio of the output signal power supplied to a load to the total power from the dc supply.
3. Which amplifier operates in the linear region for 180 deg. Of the input cycle when biased in cutoff and is in cutoff for 180 deg?
Class B
4. These amplifiers are biased to conduct for slightly more than 180 deg.
Class AB
5. An amplifier that is generally used in Radio Frequency applications
Class C
6. Implemented with a laser diode
Current mirror
7. An amplifier that is biased below cutoff and is normally operated with resonant circuit load
Class C
8. The four classes of power amplifiers are classified based on the percentage of the ____________which the amplifier operates in its ________region
Input cycle, linear
9. It is the ratio of the output power to the input power
Power gain
10. Product of the rms load current and the rms load voltage
Output power
11. A type of class B amplifier with two transistors in which one transistor conducts for one half-cycle and the other conducts for the other half-cycle
12. Amplifiers that are generally used in Radio Frequency Applications.
Class C amplifiers
13. Another term for complementary Darlington
Sziklai pair
14. An advantage of push-pull class B and class AB amplifiers over class A
15. The Q-point is at _________ at class B operation
16. Operates in the linear region where the output signal is an amplified replica of the input signal
Class A
17. Amplifiers that have the objective of delivering power to a load
Power amplifers
18. When the Q-point is at the center of the ac load line, a maximum class ________ signal can be obtained.
19. The maximum efficiency of capacitively coupled class A amplifier cannot be higher than
20. The low efficiency of class A amplifiers limits their usefulness to small power applications that require usually less than ________.
1 W
1. It is the product of Q-point current and voltage of a transistor with no signal input
Power dissipation
2. The ____________ of an amplifier is the ratio of the output signal power supplied to a load to the total power from the dc supply.
3. Which amplifier operates in the linear region for 180 deg. Of the input cycle when biased in cutoff and is in cutoff for 180 deg?
Class B
4. These amplifiers are biased to conduct for slightly more than 180 deg.
Class AB
5. An amplifier that is generally used in Radio Frequency applications
Class C
6. Implemented with a laser diode
Current mirror
7. An amplifier that is biased below cutoff and is normally operated with resonant circuit load
Class C
8. The four classes of power amplifiers are classified based on the percentage of the ____________which the amplifier operates in its ________region
Input cycle, linear
9. It is the ratio of the output power to the input power
Power gain
10. Product of the rms load current and the rms load voltage
Output power
11. A type of class B amplifier with two transistors in which one transistor conducts for one half-cycle and the other conducts for the other half-cycle
12. Amplifiers that are generally used in Radio Frequency Applications.
Class C amplifiers
13. Another term for complementary Darlington
Sziklai pair
14. An advantage of push-pull class B and class AB amplifiers over class A
15. The Q-point is at _________ at class B operation
16. Operates in the linear region where the output signal is an amplified replica of the input signal
Class A
17. Amplifiers that have the objective of delivering power to a load
Power amplifers
18. When the Q-point is at the center of the ac load line, a maximum class ________ signal can be obtained.
19. The maximum efficiency of capacitively coupled class A amplifier cannot be higher than
20. The low efficiency of class A amplifiers limits their usefulness to small power applications that require usually less than ________.
1 W
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